Subscription Information

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Duration Amount
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Personal Information

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First Name :
Middle Name :
Last Name :
Company Name :
Position :

Contact Information

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Telephone :   
Fax :   
Mobile :   
Email :
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Payment Information

Card Type :
Name on Card :
Card No. :
Expiry Date :     

Bank Transfer in favour of:
Account Name: Al Hilal Publishing and Marketing Group
Address: PO Box 1100
Manama, Bahrain
Tel: (+973) 17293131
Fax: (+973) 17295277
Account: 001 059518-001
IBAN: BH50 BBME 0000 10595180 01
Swift Code: BBME BHBX
Name of Bank: HSBC Middle East Bank Ltd.
Commercial Banking Division
PO Box 57
Manama, Bahrain
Tel: (+973) 17224555
Fax: (+973) 17226822

Account Information

Preferred Username :
Preferred Password :
Re-type Password :
Both Username and Password should be minimum 4 and maximum 12 characters long. Your Username and Password above will give you access to subscriber section.

I confirm acceptance of Terms and Conditions pertaining to my subscription to Gulf Industry and hereby authorise Al Hilal Group to bill me for my subscription.

Click here to view the Terms and Conditions.

An invoice will be generated automatically once you submit this form which you can print for your reference.

DISCLAIMER: The information you provide will only be used exclusively for online subscription and financial transactions and will never be sold or shared to any third party or external entity. Only Al Hilal Group Subscription Department has the authority to access and use the information in accordance with the's Privacy Statement and Terms of Service.